SPI Certified Training Course

We are holding another of our training courses at our facility in Swindon in the UK. It is planned that the course will run from Monday 26th February to Friday 2nd March, 2018. The training will be hosted by Mr Benny Abbott, of Abbott Coating Inspections – a level 3 coatings inspector and the current President of the PDA.
The certified training course involves 4 days in the classroom and one in the spray unit with practical demonstration and machinery training. Although intensive, this will give you a fantastic basis from which to move forward with your polyurea career using our unique and amazing products.
The course will include, but is not limited to:
- Surface preparation and salt removal prior to coating – testing methods for Steel, Concrete, FRP/GRP and similar
- Chemistry and background of Polyurea – Uses and LIMITATIONS! SPI at the forefront of the technology for 40 years
- Machinery – The set up and strip down of plural pumps (Graco/WIWA/Gama/SPI) Probler P2 and Fusion guns along with the principles of fluid dynamics
- Problem Solving / Tips and tricks – with issues such as de-bonding, pin-holing, cracking and spotting off ratio spraying
- SPI’s USP’s – the Ultrabond molecule; chemically and acid resistant Polyurea, LPG and blast mitigation
- Top coats and primers – benefits and differences as well as the differences between aromatic and aliphatic chemistry
- Certification and Training manuals for all attendees
- Safe handling guides
- Start up and close down procedure
- Testing and QA regimes
The course is widely recognised as a qualification relevant to Polyurea application by many Government and utility organisations worldwide. We have so far trained teams to operate with QinetiQ, MOD, BT, Vodafone, Western Power Distribution, Norland FM, National Grid, UK Power Networks, Thames Water, Wessex water, Severn Trent, Costain Group, BAM Nuttall, TEG Environmental, Volvo (Sweden) , RHIT (Poland), NATO and MWH Infrastructure to name a few. There
will be an exam towards the end of the course, which helps prove suitability for the applicator in any corporate audit scenario.
The cost of the course is £750 per person, paid in advance and includes lunch and light refreshments each day. Accommodation is not included but we can provide a list of local hotels if required.
Prospective attendees should contact Sue Brennan – by mail at sue@spiperformancecoatings.com by 21 st December 2017.
We hope many of you will come, but please note that places are limited so as not to diminish the experience, therefore this is on a first come first served basis and we will need to know numbers.
For those of you just requiring information on our products, please do not hesitate to get in touch, we look forward to hearing from you.